3 Quick Traffic Getting Tips For Selling Beats Online

Selling beats online can be a very profitable internet business these days but only if you do it right and get tons of traffic. This article will show you 3 quick, easy to follow tips you can quickly implement to get more traffic to your site and start selling more beats online right away. For the sake of argument, I am going to assume you already have a beat selling store of some sort already online. (i.e. SoundClick, Rocbattle, Beatswagger.com or your own personal site)This article is not going to show you how to set up a beat selling website but instead will help you to get traffic to the site you already have online. If you do not already have a website up then you will need to do that first and then come back to this article at a later date.

If you do already have a site up then read on to see how you can get more traffic to your beat selling website. (Remember, the more traffic you get the more beat sales you’ll make) There are tons of beat selling sites already online but only those with sufficient traffic will survive. Also, please note, all of these techniques are free ways of getting traffic. I will not be covering PPC (Pay Per Click) methods. Now let’s get you some free, organic traffic and sell beats online!

TIP #1 – Article Submission: Submitting articles (just like the one you are reading) is a great way to increase traffic to your site. There are a lot of different places online for you to choose from. Doing a quick internet search for “article submission” or “best places to submit articles online” will help you determine which sites are best for you to use. Submitting articles will serve two purposes… The first is the traffic you will get if somebody reads your article, likes it and wants to find out more, and then clicks through to your website. The second is that most article submission sites will allow you to drop in a link to your site. This creates a “back-link” which now shows Google, Bing and all the other search engines that another site now “points” to your site. You don’t have to know exactly how this works, just know that the more back links you have pointing to your site the more “important” it will look to the search engines. Naturally, increasing your site up the search engine rankings. Only submit to the site that are “Do Follow” and allow you to put at least one link to your site. When writing articles, be sure to think of your keywords. Keywords are simply the words somebody will search with to find your site. Put yourself in your customers shoes… What words will they use to find your site? Then use a combination of those words throughout the articles you write. (For example: “How to sell beats online”) I used this because I wanted you to find my article when you searched for those keywords. Make sense?

TIP #2: Social Networking: I’m sure you’re already on the most popular social networks right? (facebook, twitter, youtube, etc…) If not, get on that right away. If you are already on there, are you using them the right way? Selling beats online using social networks has completely changed the way selling beats online is done. People are much more inclined to buy from you if they feel comfortable with you first. No more hiding behind a website. You are a brand. Brand yourself. Shouting in all caps “GO BUY MY BEATS” is an automatic turnoff! If you want to sell more beats online (And I know you do!) then first try developing a relationship with potential clients. Offer quality feedback, give them something for free or anything else you can think of that will make them “like” you more. (No pun intended)

TIP #3: Press Releases: Submitting online press releases to sell beats online is another great way to generate traffic to your beat selling site. Similar to article submission, press releases can be added to online press release sites in very much the same way. The main differences between the 2 are the number of words used in PR’s is generally much lower and the style in which the release is written varies greatly. It’s best to do some research about what makes a good press release. Your online beat selling site is a business, what kind of news can you find within your business? Tell the world you sell beats online.

BONUS TIP – Be Patient: Selling beats online does not happen overnight! However, as an internet driven business you can expect to see results way quicker then you may think. With free traffic, patience is going to be key because you will need to let things run their course. Sometimes, it will take some time before people and search engines find your pages, articles, press releases, etc… and then links them all together.